Developing Resilience: Guide to Facing the Challenges, Crises and Adversities of Life

People often talk about the significance of resilience when reacting to challenges we sometimes encounter in life. But what is resilience, and why is it important?

What is Resilience?

Resilience is our ability to withstand day to day challenges by using the available resources within and around us. Of course, being resilient doesn’t mean you do not experience suffering, stress and emotional upheaval. However, it is an opportunity to illustrate how well we can perform under life difficulties.

To some people, resilience is a correlation to mental toughness. However, working through your emotional pain and suffering is an excellent way to demonstrate resilience.

Why is Resilience Important?

Resilience is an essential part of human life because it gives the strength required to process and overcome hardship. Conversely, people who lack resilience can become quickly subdued, and they’re likely to turn to weak tolerance mechanisms.

Resilient people have the strength and support systems they can tap into to overcome life challenges and work through problems.

Examples of Resilience

Examples of resilience include:

* Emotional Resilience: This allows an individual to tap into realistic optimism in the face of difficult situations

* Physical Resilience: This is the ability of the body to adapt to crisis and recovery quickly

* Community Resilience: This refers to the proficiency of a group of people in the community to react to and recover from unfavourable situations, such as economic hardship, acts of violence or natural disasters

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